Dutch burgher union journals

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Journal of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon is a periodical chronicling the Dutch Burgher community in Sri Lanka. Publication History. Journal of the Dutch.Journal of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon. Format:. Not yet available in PERiodical Source Index (PERSI) at this time. (28 Mar. 2006). Vol. 38, no.The Journals of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon (JDBU) are an excellent resource for researching material on the Dutch Burgher community in Sri Lanka,.A Wikipedia article about this author is available. [Info] Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon: Journal of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon (full serial archives).The genealogies published in the Journals of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon (JDBU) since 1908 have in themselves undergone varying degrees of use and.Journals - The Dutch Burgher UnionGenealogy - The Dutch Burgher UnionJournal of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon archives - The.

Journal of the. -. Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon*. VOL. XXVIII.] JULY, 1988. [No. 1. OUR NEW PRESIDENT. It has been the invariable custom to say something.cfbre the date/oj-publication of the Journal.-. - □ oAh-: /. Published quarterly. Those Burghers—for all the Dutch in Ceylon were now Bur.JOURNAL. OP TUB. Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon. VOL. XIV. JULY, 1924. No. l. Bendracht maakt MuchL. Colombo: FRHWIN and Co PRINTERS, FORT.Journal of the -. Dutch Burgher Onion of Ceylon. VOL. XLVIII.] OCTOBER, 1958. [NOB. 2, 3 and 4. TRINCOMALEE SAGA. 1709 to 1957. BY. DELORANE FERDINAND.Caption title. The article titled The peoples of Ceylon : a historical survey reprinted from the D.B.U. Journal, October 1942, is attached to bound book v. 30.Journal of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon - National.JDBU Vol 14 No 1 - 1924(1).pdf - The Dutch Burgher UnionJDBU Vol 25 No 2 - 1935(1).pdf - The Dutch Burgher Union. juhD453gf

Bafcavia, The Old Archives Office in. . 50,63. Ceylon in English Literature (L. E. BLAZE). 136. Dutch Governors who died in Ceylon ( E. G..(D B U. Journal, Vol. XXXVII, page 68). He had by her—. 1 William, who follows under II. 2 Nathaniel Adrian, who follows under III.(D.B.U. Journal, Vol. XXXI. page 195). He had by her:—. 1 John Boyle, who follows under VI. 2 Samuel William, who follows under VII.THE JOURNAL Off JHE. BLAZE OF KINGSWOOD. A MEMOIR —. He was not only one of Ceylons great men, but a man great by any real, standard, one ol the.Burghers of Ceylon, The. Burghers of the Cape, The. THE JOURNAL OP THE. In Java we have a similar speefcaole of this, on a smaller seale,.The Journal will be published once every year and we will discontinue the Bulletin as the cost is well beyond our budget. Fresh Lamprais.Burghers of Ceylon by publishing in the D. B. U. Journal the genealogies of a great many of the families who form the rank and file of the Union.The Journal of the Dutch Burgher Union has been so enriched by the contributions of Mr. Anthonisz that it is no mere form of.Journal of the. - » - *. Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon,. VOL. ILL]. JULY, 1951. □ [No. 3. DURAND VICTOR ALTENDORFF, I.S O. J.P. AND U.MThe library has the entire set of the Dutch Burgher Union Journals, published from 1908 to date and also the indexes to the baptisms and.CHURCH IN CEYLON. .lock lent andpMure reproduced by Mud permission of. The Times of Ceylon, ). Journal of the -. Putch Buraher Union of Ceylon. VOL, XLL].THE JOURNAL OF THE. THE STUDY OF DUTCH. One of the aims which the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon has in view is the promotion of the study of the.THE JOURNAL OT THE. Mooyaart. (Additions and Corrections. tl -Journal D.B.U. 32-33). Jacobus Nicolaae Mooyaart d. afc Birmingham 9th Feb; 1866. ;□.-;.□□.News/Events · Journals · Genealogy · DBU Info · St. Nikolaas Home · Image Bank · Forum · History – The Dutch Burgher Union.JOURNAL OF THE DUTCH BURGHER UNION. VOL. XXXIH - JANUARY 1944. CONTINUATION FROM SECTION XXV PAGE 80. Harold Victor James Christopher Speldewinde born 18th.Available in the National Library of Australia collection. Format: Journal; v. ; 21 cm.in the JOURNAL will be welcomed by our readers.—ED.] The political relations of the British Government with the Court of Kandy had long been in an undefined.(D.B.U. Journal. Vol. /. XIV, page 90).) (3) Henry James Van Buuren, referred to in section Vyv-. 5. left Ceylon about 35 years ago, and was in busi.JOURNAL OP THE uncles influence obtained him, while scarcely twelve years old, a post under the Governor of the Goromandel coast, Arent Gardenys,.(D.B.U,. Journal, Vol. XIV, page51), born in Jaffna in 1760, died at Galle,. 18th March 1824, married in the Dutch Eeformed Church, Galle.DUTCH BURGHER UNION. 125 van Andringa. (D.B.U. Journal, Vol. V, page 75, and Vol. VI, pages 62 and 63}. :, n. James Thomas Anderson, Proctor,.THE JOURNAL OP THE. GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILY OF. DORNHORST OF CEYLON. DUTCH BURGHER UNION. 106. YII. Louisa. Marianne. Domhorst b. 18 May 1840.The two Unions.in arranging these tours have as their. THE JOURNAL OF THE. Dutch Burghers of good family and social standing were a great.THE JOURNAL OF THIS. GENEALOGY OF THE FAMILY OF. DE JONG OF CEYLON:. D U T C H B U R G H E R U N I O N. 126. DUTCH BURGHER UNION.Journal of the ^ *□ * *. Dutch Burgher Onion 0f ceyion. ^OL.VLPABTSlIandlt;feIII.] n e r ^ c z r ^. □. □ [m%: THE.io bet of interest to the Union. MSS. must be written on one. before the date of publication of the Journal. Pubhshed quarterly. DUTCH BURGHER UNION.f A paper read at a meeting of the Surveyors Association of Ceylon, enlarged and annotated for publication in the D. B. U„ Journal, by the author). The.(D.B.U. Journal, Vol. XXXII, page 3l);:-f- had by her—. ::}.:/.JOURNAL. OF TI1K. Dutch Burgher Union. of Ceylon. Vol XVITT, 1929. Kfmdracht maakt MaoJit. Colombo: Pfintod hy FREWTN A. Co KORT.(D.B.U. Journal, Vol. XXXI. page ld5). He hat by her:—. 1 John Boyle, who follows under VI. 2 Samuel William, who follows under VII.(D. B. U. Journal, Vol. X, page 22). 3 Gwendoline May, born 29th April 1900, married in the Dutch. Reformed Church,.The journal contains many interesting features of historical interest. to search and have their authenticated genealogies published in the DBU journals.Journal of the. - - - □ -. Dutch Burgher Onion of Ceylon. VOL. XXII.] JULY, 19.32. [No. 1. THE D0TCH CEMETERY AT MATARA. B Y E. H. VThe first monthly periodical published so far as we can ascertain was the Tyros Repertory of Useful Knowledge . The Colombo Journal, which was the only.to the history and origin of the Dutch Burghers of. Dutch Burgher Onion of Ceylon*. VOL. □K-Described hi pages 1-14, D.B.U. Journal Yol XLIII. No. 1.Jacob de Neys, born at Amsterdam, living in Ceylon 1783—1798,. ^D.B.U- Journal, Vol. I, page 158), married in the Dutch Reformed. Church, Wolvendaal, 25bh.THE JOURNAL OF THE. Reply of Sir Alexander Johnston to the Address. Presented to him by the Dutch Inhabitants and Burghers of Colombo.Agnes Barbara de La Harpe (D.B.U. Journal, Vol. XXX, page. 45, and Vol. XXXVI, pages 24 and 26). VI. Robert- Henry Kreltszheim, born 30th January 1852,.Genre/Form: History Periodicals. Additional Physical Format: Online version: Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon. Journal (OCoLC)883350050.In the Journals of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon. (1) The memoirs of the Dutch Governors of Ceylon : reproduc tion of a radio talk, in Vol. 52, No.

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